Sunday, November 3, 2019

Critically examine the text from,(Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Essay

Critically examine the text from,(Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon, Pan) and show how it articulates concepts of gender, race and class - Essay Example The falcon turns out to be fake and the criminals are pinned by Sam Spade who have been bent on acquiring justice for his murdered partner whose wife he was having an affair with. This paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis regarding gender and class relations present in the composition if there are any. This is in line with the view that literary works mirrors society even if unconsciously. What does the text say about the people then? How did they interact with one another? What was the role of women, men and those in between? These are the questions that would be guiding the discussions. Information regarding gender issues are presented first before the analysis of the text for every gender, class and race presented. However, we would almost be dealing with gender issues because this is what isprominent in the work. This is done so you, the reader, could better appreciate the discussion involving the literary work. I would like to inform the reader to adapt a more critical view as most of the concepts here presented may seem to be far fetched. I have tried my best to argue my ideas and it would up to you whether they hold substance. In ages past, the woman was only deemed fit for household chores and the raising of children. They had no right to vote and share their views on matters concerning the family and the community nor were they allowed to vote or decide their marriages. Even today, some societies have meticulously preserved tradition on the status of Adam’s partner. To serve as objects of desire and weakness – that was their role. Nonetheless, there have been significant changes on the way society regards women. Various reforms have been made to the point that they now enjoy most of the liberties of men giving rise to the term â€Å"women empowerment†. Feminism comprises a number of social, cultural and political movements, theories and moral philosophies that are concerned with

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